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Rhonda Petree, our roving reporter, has been busy following LAMSIG talks and workshops, over the next few days you can read regular blogs from the conference…

Teaching the President’s Children

During Marcela Cintra‘s presentation titled, “Developing Professionalism in ELT to Impact Learning” we discussed attitudes and habits, professional situations, ELT roles, and our practices among other things. Marcela guided us in thinking about the roles we play in our students’ lives, in our schools, in the staff rooms, and in our communities. She encouraged us to consider how our own ethics and values should be the foundations of our work if we are working in areas without clear standards. We talked about the importance of speaking about all students, every student with respect and about having a belief that all students can learn. We talked about being brave in our profession and how we have the power to shape our students’ lives.


We have the power.


-Rhonda Petree

LAMSIG 2019 Roving Reporter


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