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Rhonda Petree, our roving reporter, has been busy following LAMSIG talks and workshops, over the next few days you can read regular blogs from the conference…

Servant Leadership

Do you encourage your staff to actively participate in meetings? Yes. Do you ask your staff how you can help when they are ill in or a bad place or not performing well? Yes. Do you give praise and credit where praise and credit are due? Yes. Do you hold back and let your staff speak and acknowledge their expertise? Yes.

These are some of the questions that Barbara Craig and Sandra Pitronaci asked participants to consider as we attempted to answer the question the title of their presentation asked: “Servant-Leadership in ELT: feeble drivel or natural fit?” The concept of servant-leadership, while well-known to many, is one I hadn’t spent much time pondering in my role as an ELT leader. I felt for most of my years leading a new, growing, then shrinking program I was running from meeting to meeting and firing off email messages at a ridiculous rate. However, whenever I heard the term used, I was intrigued and wondered if this matched my core beliefs and values as a leader. I was especially intrigued by servant-leadership because the former provost at my university identified herself as a servant-leader and I respected her leadership style very much.

It is so satisfying to attend a conference, after 20 years in the English language teaching profession, and come away with an affirming answer to a question. Yes, I am a servant leader. Thank you Sandra and  Barbara.


-Rhonda Petree

LAMSIG 2019 Roving Reporter


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