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LAMSIG Yahoo Discussion List

With the help of the SIG, Mabel Quiroga set up The IATEFL ELT Leadership & Management SIG Discussion List which has now been running for some years. In order to subscribe visit the website at: . Also at that address you can browse the messages and discussions that have taken place on the list sonce its inception

This electronic discussion group was set up with the following characteristics:

  • it’s listed in the directory of Yahoo! groups under the headings Education, Schools and Languages
  • only members can have access to archives
  • email attachments are permitted

This forum allows us to:

  • send and receive Yahoo! Groups messages
  • upload and download files
  • chat with other members online
  • set links to other web pages using bookmarks
  • create, modify, and conclude polls
  • schedule events, view the calendar, set up reminders
  • view a list of current group members and member profiles